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  • 电影剧情
    童年时代随父亲移居远离大都会的飞古根岛,藤田浩市(佐藤健 饰)在那里结识了一生的恋人和淳美(绫濑遥 饰)。二人慢慢长大,结为夫妇。淳美以漫画家身份出道,身为女性的她却凭借各种猎奇杀人题材的作品而小有名气。可就在一年前的某日,淳美选择自杀,虽然侥幸挽回性命,但从此陷入深度昏迷中。为了探究妻子自杀的原因,浩市利用先进“Sens…
  • Filipina performance artist Bethesda moves into an art commune to search for her long missing biological mother. Along the way, she comes to realize that she just might be a fairy princess, fag hag, fruit fly.贝蒂莎是一名菲律宾裔美国表演者,她最近搬到一个艺术社区里,目的是要寻找自己的亲生母亲。在寻找的过程中,她遇到了一群在同志酒吧表演的朋友……
  • 约翰是一个事业逐渐走下坡的山路自行车选手,沮丧的他回到加州的故乡,没有想到恶梦却就此展开!他成为连续谋杀案的疑凶,因为小镇上出现可以的滑行痕迹。事实上真正的凶手是一条超级巨蟒,它的鳞片比盔甲还要坚硬,视力范围是一般蛇的9倍,最骇人听闻的是有如无底洞的胃。这是由遗传学家鲁道夫博士研究出的基因变种生物,目的是要破坏美国总部…
  • The veil between the living and the dead has lifted for 24 hours, would you survive?
  • Ten months after the collapse where mankind was annihilated in a war with monsters of unknown origin, a young man named Adam lives alone in an empty world. When one calm evening a man named Seth shows up, soaking wet, and claims to have come from a time where the world was normal. He was being vacated from his home tow…
  • 电影
    As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But it's hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which goes viral, for all the wrong…
  • 电影剧情
    一个黑人电视导演和他的妻子,莫名其妙地因为莫须有的违章驾驶受到了白人警察的侮辱;看似该受到谴责的警察却在最危急关头挽救了那名曾遭他侮辱的黑人妇女;老实巴交的波斯商店店主,却差点谋杀了有着刺青的墨西哥修锁匠(迈克尔?佩纳Michael Pena饰);地区检察官(布兰登?费舍尔Brendan Fraser 饰)和他的妻子(桑德拉?布洛克Sandra B…
  • 电影
    One of the country’s greatest poets and pop singers bows out and bids farewell to 40 years of career with a smashing farewell concert from VEGA in Copenhagen.
  • 电影剧情
    A massive meteorite is approaching the Earth, threatening total destruction within the next 24 hours.