搜索 LJ

  • A story about an aspiring artist and how the unwavering pursuit of his dream affects the people and relationships around him with tragic consequences.
  • 电影惊悚
    阿莉莎,一个年轻女人断了胳膊,腿和马克,一个老兵遭受创伤后应激障碍,必须生存nano-robotic僵尸爆发的归零地。 阿莉莎,在轮椅上,必须用她的智慧逃脱一个废弃的医院在运行时被僵尸马克,必须收回他争夺海洋学到的技巧,如果他能够活着出来。
  • 电影喜剧
  • Alexander leaves his hometown companied by his long time friends. Together they find their way north on an unexpected route, where Alexander is forced closer to a truth he has since long repressed.
  • Love and Will is a picture about people in combat with life.
  • Attempting to remove an unresponsive badger from a dark road, a police patrol soon realizes that the animal is not dead but rather dead drunk. Things take an even stranger turn when the creature wakes up.
  • 电影生活
  • Nicholas Moore suspects his fiancé Mona is cheating on him. He's discovered intimate text messages on her phone from a man called Sio Bohan. Determined to get proof of his suspicion he hires taxi driver Trevor to follow her so he can catch…
  • Maki, Kata and Jiji are loyal friends who believe in their youthful ideals. However, when Maki and Kata announce their engagement, Jiji becomes jealous. In the period of communist liquidations, there is an unsolved murder of five students, one of them being Maki. A half century later, Alavantie, as a witness and a rese…