- After blowing his first big acting job in New Orleans, Harvard-educated ERWIN VANDEVEER finds himself stranded in Buffalo Gap, Texas, where he is taken under the wing of irrepressible, almost-bankrupt, oil driller MERLE LUSKEY, who sees Erwin as his "Savin' Angel." The two set off on a crazy fun-filled advent…
- 乔丹皮尔继自编自导《逃出绝命镇》和《我们》之后全新力作《不!》本片阵容包括史蒂文·元、丹尼尔·卡卢亚和柯柯·帕尔莫!他们饰演位于加州内陆一座荒凉小镇的居民,他们目击了一场令人不安及不寒而栗的诡异发现。