- Movie about the real-life gangster Klaas Bruinsma (Peter Paul Muller), a charming, good looking, well-dressed man - called "De Dominee" (the Reveren) for always wearing long, black coats - who was at one point the biggest drug trader in the world and until this day the biggest crime boss of Holland ever.
- Violent action classic rape drama....Karen Lamm runs away from her Montana home to go to the city and gets viciously raped by mexican gang and sold to a high class Beverly Hills pimp Johnny Dee (well played by Vince Cannon). Jim Mitchum plays her brother who goes to Los Angeles looking for her with a help from Cathy Le…
- 1958年13日星期五事件发生多年后,肖恩回到水晶湖营地,带着一段黑暗的历史。尽管受到警告,他试图通过重新开放三一角营地来保存自己的姓氏。他召集了一群朋友帮助重建营地,防止另一场悲剧发生,但有一个邪恶的东西萦绕在营地,正在寻求报复。