搜索 Lander

  • In a city of desperate musicians, it takes a little bit more than talent to beat the odds. The MoleTron keyboard was Chance's ticket out of town. With it, the gig and the girl were his. But in the Southlander game, you might get a little bit more than you bargained for. Earth people are 'onto' the sound of the MoleTron…
  • At the suggestion of a straight friend, gay man Leo joins a men's group, where he causes some upsets by declaring his attraction to one of its members.
  • A pizza deliveryman develops a bond with a girl nearly half his age.
  • 又开学啦,我希望这将是一个完完全全充满魔力的新学年!我最喜欢与我的好朋友们一起出去玩,因为我们所到之处总能引发一场轩然大波。我在我们的乐队里担任吉他手,我们真是太摇滚了(虽然我们还没有当众表演过)!我还在校电视台里工作,这可是我梦寐以求的(即便我得替拉奎尔品牌干些愚蠢的工作)!哦,我差点忘了说--我还对一个最受欢迎的男生…
  • 这部刚刚在美国上映的影片是一部关于驻伊美军的纪录片,由片中的5位美国士兵用数码摄像机实地拍摄。影片的讽刺效果颇为老辣。与其说该片是冷嘲热讽,倒不如说它是对战争种种诡变的纪实之旅。
  • 电影恐怖
    在美国阿拉斯加最北边的极地圈内,偏僻的小镇巴罗每年有三十天的极夜,在这三十天里。小镇居民将忍受漫长的黑夜才能重见光明。又一个极夜来临时,陌生流浪汉(本•福斯特 饰) 的到来,打破了小镇宁静的生活。小镇治安官伊本(乔什•哈奈特 饰)得之,以强悍狡猾的马洛(丹尼•哈斯顿 饰)为首的二十名吸血鬼,将偷袭本镇,没有迁徙到南方的居民们…
  • After a college student is tapped to join the elite secret Skulls fraternity, he witnesses a girl's death and his life starts falling apart.
  • I went with a group of friends, and those who were expecting a comedy (romantic or otherwise) were sorely disappointed. This movie is a merciless indictment of a certain superficial, vicious subgroup within the gay community. In fact, if this movie were your entire view into the gay subculture, it would probably justif…