- The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading …
- Forty years ago, broadcasting legend Bernard Braden recorded more than 350 interviews with the most iconic and recognised faces of the 1960s from the worlds of show business, film, politics and sport. Viewers will have unique access to the extraordinary, revealing portraits of iconic 60s names, such as Cilla Black, Rob…
- TA是希特勒崇拜的偶像 为了法西斯的需要和反法西斯的需要, 腓特烈大帝已经被历史篡改的面目全非 这个片子要给大家展示的则是一个真实的腓特烈大帝 他为了爱情与父亲抗争 却不得已娶了自己不爱的女人 爱情的失败导致了他性格的扭曲 从此不近女色,把所有的精力投入到战争之中 胜利女神对他青眼有加 从而造就了所向披靡的普鲁士帝国