- 圣诞特别集的故事将从圣诞夜讲起。这是Helen和Hugh婚礼的前一天,James还处于心碎中,试图掩饰自己的痛苦。但斯盖尔谷宅邸正在举行一年一度的圣诞聚会,而James邀请了自己的新女友Connie作为客人。准备工作井然有序地进行着,Tristan用槲寄生装饰了门厅,Hall太太准备了一桌盛宴,期盼着自己儿子Edward回家过圣诞节。Siegfried对于D…
- Rapture stares directly into the bright light that hip hop culture shines on the world and doesn't blink. Throughout 8 episodes Rapture dives into artists' lives with their families and friends, to sitting front row in the studio and grinding on tour, to experiencing the ecstatic power of moving the crowd. Written by N…
- 高中女孩嘉碧杜兰一直以来都生活在事业有成的母亲和古灵精怪的妹妹的阴影中,直到她误打误撞地成为了一大群千奇百怪的跟随父母移民地球的外星熊孩子们的保姆。这些外星宝贝们各显神通却淘气胡闹,嘉碧在努力维护他们在人类社会中的伪装的同时不知不觉成为了整个银河系最厉害的星际保姆。