- 穆罕默德·阿里是史上最伟大的拳击手,马尔科姆·X 则是伊斯兰民族及美国黑人领袖,善于煽动人心且魅力十足。《生死之交》深刻描绘了这两位 20 世纪代表性人物之间的非凡情谊,以及这段友谊最终如何以悲剧收场。 他们一位是盛气凌人的奥运冠军,常以如珠妙语逗乐白人媒体,另一位曾是前科犯,在金盆洗手后成为知识分子革命家,抨击白人对黑…
- Takes place over a long weekend, as "John and Marlena travel to Zurich; Ben and Ciara have a romantic getaway in New Orleans; Chad visits some old friends in Phoenix; and Abe, Paulina, Lani, and Eli vacation in Miami. All find themselves embroiled in a mystery involving stolen jewels which, in the wrong hands, cou…