搜索 Larsson

  • 瑞典电影先锋维多舍斯特伦第八部作品,原着爲尼斯克奥的舞台剧。编导藉本片表现他们对现实社会的关切之情,笔触尖锐有力。在二十世纪初期,瑞典有一条“贫民法桉",其中有一个法律漏洞可以让投机者从贫穷的寡妇身边买走她的子女。本片的拍摄主旨是批出这个可怕的惨剧,让观衆对这个有失公正的制度有所反省。影片开始时,英厄堡·霍尔姆是一…
  • The siblings Linus, 19-years-old, who are taking driving licence and Vanja, 17-years-old, who's still in school. Their mom Eva works night shift at a hotel. We get to follow them during one month. Linus and Vanja begin to realize that they are living in a universe of their own. And there is neither room for the mom or …
  • 艾伯特(Åke Grönberg 饰)的全部身家性命都赌在了自己苦心经营的马戏团上面了,尽管生意日益惨淡,但他并没有产生放弃的念头,他决定用一场盛大的演出来振奋团里的士气。带着自己的情人安妮(哈里特·安德森 Harriet Andersson 饰),艾伯特来到了一个名叫舒伯格(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Björnstrand 饰)的男人处,希望能…
  • 电影犯罪
    警察费舍尔(Michael Elphick 饰)避居开罗多年,最近被召回欧洲,参与一起连锁彩票杀人案的侦破。费舍尔拜会了恩师奥斯本,老人被警队开除后状况不佳,心血之作《犯罪元素》未受重视,而当年的同事克拉玛摇身一变成为警察局长。卖彩票姑娘的尸体在矿井中被发现,是连锁杀人案的最新受害者,费舍尔从奥斯本处得到嫌疑人格雷的零碎信息,按照《犯…
  • 派特森和他的猫芬达斯住在瑞典的小乡村里面。圣诞节就要来了,派特森对他的芬达斯说,圣诞老公公会来,还带着礼物,但芬达斯不相信有圣诞老人。但是为了不让他的猫失望,派特森想做出一个人工的老人——一个圣诞机器人。派特森瞒着芬达斯秘密做着这个机器人,希望能赶得上在圣诞节晚上做好。但是一件奇异的事情发生了……
  • Contrast is the essence of Giacomo Puccini’s operatic triptych, Il trittico. The one-act works that form the trilogy – Il tabarro, Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi – range from gritty melodrama to life-affirming comedy. While each opera s…
  • Caroline, a woman in her late thirties, has lost everything and is searching for a new beginning. She moves into an old apartment and starts to realize that she is not as alone as she thought she was. Just as she is searching for something new, something old is searching for her.
  • Hållasamman
    Charters two adult sisters' altered relationships as they are faced with their father's Alzheimer disease.
  • 绿林女儿