- By Geoff BoughColin is the debut feature from UK Director Marc Price and Nowhere Fast Productions. Easily one of the most inventive of recent indie zombie films, the film tells the story of our main character Colin who we are briefly introduced to in his human form. As Colin stumbles through a front doorway, we hear th…
- 《蝙蝠侠:漫长的万圣节》的灵感来源于20世纪90年代中期由杰夫·勒布和蒂姆·赛尔创作的标志性DC故事,“第一部分”以万圣节的一起残忍谋杀案开始,促使哥谭市年轻的义务警员蝙蝠侠与该市仅有的两名廉洁的执法人员(警长詹姆斯·戈登和地区检察官哈维·登特饰)达成协议,以扳倒臭名昭著的法尔科内犯罪家族的头目罗马人。但当感恩节和圣诞节发生更…
- DC动画电影《蝙蝠侠:漫长的万圣节》下部发布预告,宣布将于7月27日数字上线,8月10日发行蓝光。下部定级为R,而PG-13的上部此前已宣布6月22日发蓝光。双面人来临,毒藤女、小丑、稻草人……等等哥谭众恶人登场,年轻的蝙蝠侠面对系列谋杀案和神秘的“假日杀手”,很带感。 该片改编自著名同名漫画,詹森·阿克斯配音蝙蝠侠,已故的《欢乐合…
- The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist.Featuring first-hand accounts of the incredible discoveries made by New Horizons from many of the scientists involved in…