搜索 Lauren

  • After his girlfriend is kidnapped by a satanic trio of escaped mental patients, a young man must rescue her from a Hollywood home before their sadistic plans can be realized
  • 故事发生在6500万年前。巨大的恐龙当时还是世界的霸主,它们横行于世,风头无量。一如远处冒着滚滚浓烟的火山,霸气而令人畏惧。在丛林深处,一头穿着上班族服装、打着黄色小雨伞的霸王龙突然出现。不过他可没有半点狰狞的气息,反而就如我们今天常见的上班族一样,衣冠楚楚、慌乱忙碌。远处传来了电话铃声,霸王龙大哥闻声匆匆赶了过去,跋山涉…
  • To survive, Andy commits heinous acts of murder to find refuge from a world that is in essence mad, a world where we deny our true will, thoughts and desires. How many people like Andy commit heinous acts in their attempt to "cope" with an insane society? Andy has a very dark place inside.
  • To celebrate National Poetry Day, and to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the death of Philip Larkin, writer and critic AN Wilson revisits the life and work of one of the greatest English poets of the 20th century - a poet soon to be honoured with a place in Poets Corner at Westminster Abbey.In Return To Larkinland,…
  • New-York Jazzed Out is a Jazz trip in New-York, featuring musicians who represent the eclectic jazz of our time.Watch musicians performing at boxing gyms, train stations, subways and other unusual concert environments. You will encounter a new visual dimension in jazz performances.
  • Henry Clavering suspects his second wife Bertha is trying to drive his daughter (by his first marriage) insane, to stop her inheriting his money. He decides to use his yoga skills to pretend to be dead, and thereby expose her villainy.
  • Composer and musician Neil Brand presents a series which explores the magical elements that come together to create our favourite songs.