- An experimental, semi-narrative portrait of the immortal composer, from the ages of seven to twenty, filmed on authentic locations and with the original instruments of the era. Entire soundtrack is composed of Mozart's music. In German with English subtitles.
- 凯瑟琳娜大帝正处于权力的巅峰,当被奴役的人民在他们的专制统治下流血时,贵族们效仿他们的沙皇,沉溺于猖獗的暴行。人们给她起了一个绰号:圣彼得堡的妓女凯瑟琳娜,这并非没有道理。
- The short film Prinsengracht shows one of the main canals of Amsterdam on a sunny day. With the camera on board of a barge, we sail slowly over the canal. The camera pans and catches the houses, the bridges and the traffic on the streets. A small boat driven by a boy quickly moves away to avoid collision with the barge…