搜索 Lavi

  • 纪录片关于阿根廷摄影师Leonardo Henrichs,他在1973年亲自拍摄下了自己"死亡"的经过。This documentary portrays the story of Leonardo Henrichs, the Argentine cameraman that the June 29, 1973 he filmed his own death in the street of Santiago. But it …
  • Genre Fiction, Adult ContentDirector Carlos GerbaseCast Ana Moura, Daniela Schmitz, Joao Batista DiemerYear 1990Duration 15 minutesColor Color35mm gaugeCountry BrazilThe film tells the story of a teenager who, having caught violently from his father, seeking shelter in the house of a friend, whose father, at first shoc…
  • Genre FictionDirector Flavia MoraesCast Carlos Moreno, Flávio de Souza, Raul BarretoYear 1989Duration 6 minColor Color35mm gaugeCountry BrazilEarrings given as a gift end up in posession of the wrong person, which causes manymisunderstandi…
  • 二战纪录片由140位战地摄影师所拍摄的黑白胶片组成。遗憾是画外音比较招人烦,不用更好。This documentary depicts the Russian forces heroic battle to stop the invading German army from taking Leningrad. The Nazi battle plan, codenamed "Operation Barbarrosa"…
  • 1798,法國陸軍軍官奧古斯丁上尉奉命陪同卓越的畫家帕拉迪斯到撒哈拉沙漠勘查地形並作畫紀錄,當時正值拿破崙企圖將埃及納入法國版圖。旅程中,法國軍隊突然受到一支埃及騎兵團的突擊,雙方展開一場激烈的殊死戰,廝殺正酣之際,一場沙漠風暴天鋪地般的襲來,風暴將兩軍的隊伍吹散了,奧古斯丁與帕拉迪斯就這樣與原來的隊伍分開了。站在荒涼貧瘠…
  • "Freigesprochen" ist eine Geschichte über Schuld und Lüge: In einem kleinen Ort löst der Kuss des korrekten Fahrdienstleiters Thomas Hudetz und der Studentin Anna ein furchtbares Zugsunglück aus, das viele Leben auslöscht und gl…