- Saint-Germain-des-Prés in the fifties. It’s in this frame of music, of teeming ideas, but also of the faraway sound of new rumbling of canons coming from territories of the French colonial empire, that evolve François, Jean, and Eduardo, t…
- After the New York and Madrid attacks, the international communities need for closer co-operation and shared intelligence has led to the creation of the European Intelligence Agency. The EIA, established by the European Union to combat terrorism, has field offices in every EU member state and must have at least half of…
- 女子学院的学生被困扰该机构的精神所吓倒。VOODOO DOLLS是一幅晦涩且粗心地实现的图片,是大白北区朋友送来的恶作剧礼物(因此,我们现在知道真正需要该提议的边界墙的地方)。次品糟粕的巡回演出,即使按照恐怖体裁的松懈标准,也是彻底失败。尽管如此,在正确的心态中(更好的……在一种改变的心态中),有一些时刻以一种完全落后的方式温和地…