- This powerful and thought provoking film chronicles the compelling events in the Pacific Theater of WWII, from the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the American occupation of Japan in 1945. It depicts the strength and courage of America's youth, while examining how these men and women dealt with being thrust into thi…
- The Bay Boy is a 1984 Canadian film. It is a semi-autobiographical film based on director Daniel Petrie's experiences of growing up in Glace Bay, a mining town on Cape Breton Island, during the Great Depression. It features the screen debut of Kiefer Sutherland as the film's central character.
- The heart-racing obstacle course competition series "American Ninja Warrior" premieres for its eighth season this summer. The action-packed series follows competitors as they tackle the world's most difficult obstacle courses in qualifying and finals rounds across the country. Those that successfully complete…