搜索 Lee

  • 电影剧情
    54岁的凉子(中山美穗 饰)是一名小说家,一天,她突然被医生诊断患上了阿兹海默症,面对可怕的病魔,凉子决定利用自己所剩不多的时间,完成她人生中的最后一部小说。在写小说之余,凉子在大学里担任讲师的职务,一次下课后,凉子和学生们来到居酒屋小聚,在那里邂逅了名为昌海(金材昱 饰)的韩国留学生。昌海的谈吐和三观都和同龄人不同,这点…
  • Set in the 1980s in Gunsan, a US military camptown, 15-year-old Sang-guk falls inlove with a prostitute and has his first sexual experience. He witnesses the woundsand struggles of sex workers in this US military camp town.
  • Jihyeon works as a temp at a university, writing and making films. One day he finds he has confusing feelings towards Geon-u, a younger schoolmate. The two men have lived as a straight so far, but fall in love with each other, bringing controversy among colleagues.
  • One man stands between America and anarchy as the War on Nudity battles to the end - here on the streets of Bakersfield.
  • A portrait of five Vancouverites living on society's fringes during the 2010 Winter Olympics, "Luk'Luk'I" takes us into uncharted territory, falling somewhere between a fiction we need to see and a documentary we wish didn't have to exist.
  • 电影
  • A man returns to his Irish town after being in jail for five years for murder. His friends try to help him fit in again, but he refuses and secludes himself from the world. Only a pretty girl and his crippled son can still reach him.
  • A female student dies from a fall from the roof of the university. She is dressed in a theatre costume and wears a ring of paper with a quote from the play "Deirdre of the Sorrows" typed within. When drugs are found in the young woman's blood, the Police assume suicide as the cause of death. The Literature Pr…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…