- In the late 18th century, Captain James Cook led three great voyages of discovery which pushed the borders of the British Empire to the ends of the earth. In just over a decade, his ability as a navigator and chart maker would add one-third to the map of the known world. For many he was the greatest explorer in history…
- 愛咬鬼という謎の男に犯され噛まれた者は壮絶な快感で彼の虜となり、噛み跡に自ら歯を立て悶絶死する。そんな噂が同性愛者の間に広まっていた。フリーライターの真は編集長の命令で事件の取材に乗り出した。ハッテンバで自分の体を提供しながら情報を得る中、彼は愛咬鬼を見たことがあるという明神と出会う。数日後、真は明神に尾行された。真が…
- On March 2, 2003 Crypto zoologist, Carter Wells and his brother, camera operator Justin Wells left home for the Widjigo Woods to film a documentary about a legendary creature who inhabited these woods. They were never seen again.
- A story that has lasted for generations, about the Dark Rider. A beast none has survived, a monster, not human. In time the story becomes legend, but the man they call Dark Rider is a man with no memory carrying a silver locket shaped like the head of a wolf. When threaten it unleashes a dark power in him and slays who…