- The Pirate Queen is the forgotten story of Cheng Shih - a woman in 19th-century China who became one of the most powerful pirates in history. When the leader of the fleet dies suddenly, a widowed Cheng Shih faces the possibility of losing her status, security, and even her life. Players take on the identity of Cheng Sh…
- 烽烟四起,烟沙弥漫,仙魔两族相对而立,杀意冲天。 两族对战,死伤无数,圣母梵天以己身为祭,封印魔族,终止了一切。仙族虽胜却几近覆灭,昆仑掌门玉清子也为救小弟子而死,惨胜之后,三界恢复平静,两门以休养生息。而那个被救的小弟子萧何,却在五百年后,众人意料之内地不学无术又在众人意料之外地有了成长。 五百年,修仙无岁月,三界平静…
- 《经典传奇》借助《传奇故事》的经验,同时又是一档大型化的历史人文故事节目。继承《传奇故事》的人性化讲述,同时力求新的突破。内容将具有《传奇故事》“加”美国《探索》纪实的新鲜风格。节目最大的亮点还是在于选题的“升级”,选题集中在重大历史问题,时代人物,动人心魄的政治军事斗争,离奇事件。选题在“传奇性”的基础上,还具有鲜明…