搜索 Leigh

  • 5 five-minute shorts directed by Mike Leigh.from youtube#1 The Birth of the Goalie of the 2001 F.A. Final http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azqZrefQT1Y&mode=related&search=#2 Old Chums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CcuJdoCRJs&mode=related&search=#3 Probation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pep17HK6ue0&mode=related&search…
  • 约瑟芬国王(Christopher Gaze 配音)膝下有十二个如花似玉的女儿,在享受天伦之乐之余,国王开始担心起这十二个过分活泼好动的小公主的未来命运了。为了让公主们健康成长,国王找到了公爵夫人罗薇娜(凯瑟琳·欧·哈拉 Catherine O'Hara 配音),让她做她们的“教导老师”,希望这位真正的贵族淑女能够带领女孩们走上正途。   长久生活在宫…
  • The film is about the friendship between a girl and a cow. Their perfect times together are interrupted by a bee and some sneezes. An enforced separation inspired by caring parents' pales into insignificance when the cow finds herself on another planet. Her quest to get home to see her friend is ludicrously employed an…
  • 《911调查报告》该片主要聚焦了五个在9·11中幸存的个体的故事,对美国政府进行了抨击,同时也包含了一些关于9·11事件的调查资料。
  • 警方起先是调查一起谋杀案,但是却发现这和一个诈骗保险金的阴谋有关。凶手故布疑阵,多年来一直用另外一个人的身份活着,为了拿到巨额保险金,他不择手段,十分残忍。侦探霍特暗中调查,抽丝剥茧,终于让凶手无法得逞,但是最后霍特在与他纠缠搏斗的过程中英勇牺牲。而保险的受益人艾丝欧德惊奇地发现霍特探长曾默默帮助了她,使这笔保险生了效…
  • Two meat salesmen (Romano, James) will stop at nothing to get a sale.两位朋友组成大宗冻肉的挨家挨户的推销员。然而伴随着天气的逐渐转热,他们的业绩也开始陷入不景气中,老板对他们下了最后通牒,如果不在这特殊的天气里脱售一些牛肉,他们将被无情解雇 ……然后厄运似乎并没有结束的迹象,随着卡片上客户名单的减少,他们遭遇了一系列的…
  • Barney Snow (Wood) wakes up in a hospital with no memory of why he is there. All he has is his name and some vague recollections of a car crash. He assumes that he is in the hospital for his amnesia and settles in to try to recover. He quickly realizes that all of the other residents of the youth clinic are all sufferi…
  • 这是“布莱尔巫婆”式真实事件的军事体裁影片,你可以看到低成本制作的一部优秀作品。 《铁魔战将》出发点是为狂热的军事爱好者订制的一部战争影片,但却成了令人惊讶的描绘在一个特殊环境中战斗的普通人逼真画面的一部不平凡的影片。 《铁魔战将》是关于第二次世界大战结束当日一个被围困的德国小分队死守的故事。 很清楚已经失去了所有,但是…