- A nonstop supernatural thriller that explores the dark side of underground filmmaking. Gina Sklar, the reigning queen of horror, portrayed by Tiffany Shepis, lures Jake Bubar (Tim Mandala) into the decadent world of illusions and myths. Robert Lonzo (J. Edmund Fond) is Gina's mentor and producer in the world of horror …
- 爽朗愉悦的清晨,漂亮的小姑娘玛丽穿着红色的短裙和靴子,头上眨着绿色的蝴蝶结,正迈着细碎的步伐前往学校。她只顾唱歌,却没发现家里那只可爱的小羊羔正跟在她的身后。玛丽终于发现了尾随的小家伙,于是狠狠训斥了它一顿。小羊十分落寞,不情不愿地翻身离开。当然它不会善罢甘休,而是拿着草丛当掩护偷偷跟在小主人的后面。学校内,小朋友们正…
- The true story of Ruby Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate and the segregarding of all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to, and since all the white mothers pulled their children out of class, she was the only o…