搜索 Leonore

  • 本片是2008年戛纳电影节导演双周单元的闭幕影片。该片的24岁的纽约作家-导演的银幕处女作。影片描写一位有强烈好奇心的年轻妇女的大胆的行窃行为.A curious and lost Eleonore looks for something everywhere, even in the bags of strangers who find themselves sadly smiling onlywell af…
  • Eléonore,l'intrépide
  • Jim and Lucy run a commune in the suburbs to help drug addicts. People from all sorts of background live together selling ‘healthy tea’ they make. However, a small rupture cracks the commune apart.
  • 一个10岁的天才男孩感觉孤单,他和一个20岁的青年建立了超级友谊,但爸爸决定终止他们,于是青年带走了男孩来到海边。
  • 稚气未脱的十八岁男孩儿雷米梦想成为一名诗人,渴望自己的作品如羽翼甫健、振翅翱翔的幼鹰般,让世界为之惊叹。怀揣诗人梦的他手执纸笔,穿梭于天气酷热而又风景如画的塞特港以期找寻灵感。海滩、山巅、街巷、墓园皆留下他探索的足迹,久思而不得,转而借助酒精,却始终未见文思泉涌。迷惘之中,他渐渐动摇,这条路是否应该继续走下去……(豆瓣…
  • 待到漫山花开
    Provence, 1847. The son of a wealthy landowner in the south of France, Jean-Baptiste, loses his mother in a tragic accident. His truculent father, who was always envious of his son and his relationship with his mother, takes a harlot he met a few months earlier as his new bride. Soon after, Jean-Baptiste is falsely acc…
  • 风风火火的女人
  • Rami is a Canadian of Lebanese of heritage, is 24 years old and is in wheel chair. Despite all the obstacles he's facing in his quotidian, Rami is trying to find his place in society. Will he overcome his protective father and his shyness?
  • 电影
    诺捷特(Christian Saldert 饰)68岁那一年,父亲去世了,诺捷特获得了父亲拥有的位于斯德哥尔摩市中心的一幢公寓楼的产权,这大概是诺捷特一生中发生过的最好的事了。诺捷特想要将这幢大楼卖掉,得到的钱可以让她生下的日子里衣食无忧,但很快问题就出现了,住在公寓7楼的一位租客拒绝搬走,而当诺捷特要求查看当初的租房合同时却发现,合同是…
  • The House of Gaunt - Lord Voldemort Origins is a short film directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD about Voldemort origins.  The House of Gaunt is an unofficial short film who tells about the Voldemort origins, inspired by the Harry Potter unive…