- A cult of killers resurrects a pagan goddess that feeds on the burnt flesh of lovers.
- Rick is just a mild-mannered guy. That is, until his shrimp gobbling boss, crabby customers, and nagging lady friends push him too far and he loses his ever-loving mind! Now, he’s on a homicidal rampage and no one is safe!
- 据美国媒体报道,派拉蒙影业获得了美国小说家Ted Bell系列间谍小说的改编权,该小说的主人翁是一位名叫Alexander Hawke的英国军情六处特工,类似于经典的007形象。影片将由《特工绍特》的编剧科特·维莫执笔剧本。
- 当亲人离世时,当生命中出现了巨大且无法弥补的空缺时,除了时间,还有什么可以治愈受伤的心灵?痛苦也许会被时间慢慢冲淡,但有些东西却会在时间里历久弥新。离开并不意味着失去,相反它正在给那些幸存者传递更多的眷恋和不舍。 从小被收养的钢琴家丹尼尔,直到亲生母亲去世,才在再次见到了她。没有嘶吼和呐喊,没有解释和辩白。他只能看着自…
- Razor D returns to oppose a new alliance of human and demon-kind. With a new team of warriors by his side along with some old enemies turned allies, the race is on to find the Pureblood, the one who can finally end the human/demon war.
- Whenahighschoolseniorfindsoutfromherparentsthatshehastomissthetown'swinterdancetoattendChristmasEveserviceatchurch,shesuccessfullywishestheirfaithaway,bringingdisastrousconsequencestoherfamilyandcommunity.Torestoretheirfaith,sheisledthroughaseriesofChristmasadventuresthatchangeherheartandthosearoundher.