搜索 Li

  • 清洁工的归零
    这浩渺的宇宙! 银河是一座金色麦田, 文明不过一粒细沙, 却将时间绑架, 已是填满整个麦场。 我们不再想要分享, 这是自私,是保护, 亦是恐惧。 于是,我们清理着, 将一切归于虚无。 可她却是如此独特, 数亿粒也就只此一家, 与我们一样充满色彩, 又一生只为证明美的存在。 那爱画画的人啊, 犹如宇宙中的瑰宝, 充满勇气与对美的执拗, …
  • Friends List
  • A Life in Color
    After World War II, Eleanor left Germany and built a life for herself in the United States as an interior designer. She saved derelict warehouses and transformed them into sought-after event venues. Now, at 92, the fear of the end torments her. The thought of a will makes her shudder. In the arms of a young man, she fi…
  • 电视剧
    有时,我们向宇宙提出一个请求,却不知道只有两个部会回应所有人的请求:"众善部 "里是好人和傻瓜,而 "万恶部",如你所见,是由效率超高的管理者组成。突然间,一个简单的请求打破了自然进程,现在,一个普通圣彼得堡家庭的命运将决定着“人类计划”项目是否会被部长们关闭。
  • 电影喜剧
  • 电影
    Trapped inside the elevator of a hotel casino complex, a lowly elevator boy falls in love with his investor's mistress that forces him to choose between his love for her, or his dreams for a better future.
  • 电影生活
  • 家裂:巴塞罗那
    We left the final series with Hannah and Nathan attempting to divide up their twenty years together, and trying to navigate their way through a “good divorce”, questioning whether that is even possible. Two years on, formidable family law…
  • 综艺文化
    Starlight Boys(中文名《星光闪耀的少年》)是爱奇艺国际站计划在海外制作播出的一档全新原创青年选拔综艺,是爱奇艺国际站海外市场拓展力求打造的精品内容之一。在这里,来自世界各地的星光少年汇聚一堂,接受星光学院的专业培养,跨越语言和文化的界限,以才华和热情点燃舞台。他们将通过激烈的竞争和团队协作,争夺成为全球瞩目的超级偶像的…
  • 电视剧
    The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pict…