搜索 Lian

  • 电视剧革命
    辛亥革命成功,革命力量群龙无首,上海督军陈其美借17省革命政府代表之名义,电请流亡法国的孙中山回国就任大总统。不料在马赛港,孙中山险遭清廷“复仇女神”枪杀;在零丁洋,孙中山所乘丹佛号轮突遇“海盗皇后”围攻;孙中山举行第二次革命失败后,再度流亡海外;而窃国大盗袁世凯却被几位女革命党人所暗杀。  该剧塑造了孙中山、女侠尹锐志…
  • Horror anthology film containing 7 short original stories, loosely connected by the titular party.
  • Hold Me is the story of Hannah, a woman whose job it is to hold and console people who are being voluntarily euthanized.
  • A honeymoon retreat goes south when the newlyweds find a group of rowdy friends in THEIR cottage! Apparently the cottage is double booked and neither side willing to leave they tough it out, but in the morning things go from bad to worse...
  • In Matringen, a small Swabian village, everybody knows Uwe, an outsider and notorious barfly. When Uwe witnesses the murder of the local beauty queen Susi Berger, nobody really takes him seriously. Left alone with his suspicion, Uwe starts investigating on his own. Step by step he starts to uncover the dark truths unde…
  • 富户千金祝英台乔装男子,由侍婢银心相伴赴尼山书院求学,半途与梁山伯、四九主仆相遇,伯喜与台志趣相投,二人结为八拜之交。台对伯芳心暗许,同窗三载,感情益增,后奉父命回家,遂向师母表明身份,托她将提亲信物交伯。送别之时,,台多番暗示女儿之身、爱伯之意,伯仍是懵懂不觉,待恍然大悟赶往祝家提亲,台已许配马太守之子。伯登时一病不…
  • Can a region surrounded by land produce world class surfing waves? Internationally acclaimed surf-filmmaker, Jason Baffa (singlefin: yellow, one california day, one beach) documents surfer, artist and environmentalist, Chris Del Moro on a pilgrimage back to his Italian homeland on what most perceive as a 'Don Quixotian…
  • 电影家庭
  • 电影恐怖