搜索 Liano

  • Closed Circuit is structured, in one sense, as a straightforward commercial thriller, with a series of mysterious and bloody murders and a wide variety of potential suspect, each with a secret to hide. Its location and the crimes commited, however, deal with the nature of film itself - from the pictures on the screen t…
  • 故事围绕两个德国人展开,他们因在战场上做了逃兵而被军事法庭传唤,并被判在一个战俘营里执行死刑,战俘营的上尉是加拿大人,但上校却是一个极其严谨,苛守命令的德国人。随着叩人心玄的戏剧化情节的展开,两个军官从相互对抗演变到相互尊重。他们逐渐意识到双方都是军队的得以存在的支柱,这一点比国籍或公正都更为重要。
  • Jerome is a director who wants to make an important film, a film that embodies our time and the sempiternal crisis of the present-day. He wants to make a film that brings together social issues and comedy, intimism and surrealism. Jerome wants to make a film about chairs.
  • 剧情/科幻/惊悚/恐怖
  • 意大利北部工业城市拉文纳,无处不在的工厂噪音、被污染的河流、荒凉的郊外、冷清的街道,一片人间炼狱的模样。远处,一个身着绿衣的年轻女子,在巨型高耸的烟囱和吞吐着迷雾的管道中驻足。在这污浊荒废之地,她显得烦躁不安又神思恍惚。原来这个略显神经质的女人朱莉安娜(莫尼卡·维蒂 Monica Vitti饰)的丈夫正是这家冶炼厂的经理乌戈(卡洛…
  • When, after serving a three-year sentence, Ben Bellow is released from prison, Charlie Logan is waiting for him. Not to hug him. Not to welcome him. Just to let him know, a bit bluntly for sure, that he does not want to hear from him again. His wish will not be granted as the the two sworn enemies constantly reconnect,…
  • 理查德(Richard Morgiève 饰)和菲利浦(Philippe Pollet-Villard 饰)是法国巴黎街头两个游手好闲之徒,他们组织西班牙扒手进行盗窃。一旦被人当场抓包,理查德和菲利浦就伪装成警察解围,事后一众人躲进小旅店内分赃。某次行动扒手集团遭遇真正的警察,西班牙小偷全部被抓,理查德和菲利浦侥幸逃过一劫。不过这次变故却让他们和一个南美移民…
  • Vesprosiciliano
  • 伯特·雷诺兹主演浪漫喜剧片《迈阿密情事》,Ralph Kinnard执导并编剧。影片将讲述三段发生在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术博览会的爱情故事。雷诺兹饰演一名富商和画商,担任旁白,并沿着自身的轨道,指导了一系列的浪漫冒险。Monica Pasqualotto, Anisbel Lopez, Rusbeh Bani, Alan Klinger, Ana Lucia Chaverria等参演,Co…