- Through the neon-lit side streets and sprawling markets of Hong Kong, an incredible story unfolds of loyalty and betrayal. A brutal war between gangs, a young brother and sister are kidnapped and their parents brutally murdered. Yuan becomes a fighter in Bangkok's back streets whilst Maggie is trained from childhood as…
- Big Brother 14, also known as Big Brother 2013 and Big Brother: Secrets and Lies, is the fourteenth series of the British reality television series Big Brother. It launched on 13 June 2013 in two parts, with the second part on 14 June, on Channel 5 and 5* as part of a new two-year contract with Endemol, which secured t…
- Sarah Devereaux, an up and coming lawyer for the Public Prosecutor's Office, was assigned to bring down one of the most notorious and ruthless gangland figures in the country, Charlie Mehigan. Compiling a dossier on him and his equally ruthless wife Helen, she found that she could only send Helen to prison, in the hope…