- Pier Paolo Pasolini wanted to shoot his film about Jesus, Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964), in the Holy Land itself. But during a trip to scout locations, it became clear that this would be impossible: the modern world had become visible in too many places. Andrei Ujica interweaves footage of this visit, in which Pasol…
- 兒女相聚療養院,舉辦派對為吳奶奶慶祝八十八歲大壽,看似坐享天倫之樂,但她卻毫不領情,甚至口出惡言。原來奶奶一心只想回到當初移民美國的居住地——距離218公里外的陽光加州,卻因身體狀況不佳被女兒拒絕。於是奶奶夥同看護、十八歲的孫女及其好友,密謀一場逃跑計劃,一段追尋自我的旅程於焉展開,同時也解開隱蔽許久的家族祕密。 巧妙…