- TV special for the series BIA (2019) in which the characters appear in their opposite versions of themselves and face off at a competition in order to become great stars.
- 这部独特的音乐会电影将获奖作曲家罗伯-加德纳的音乐首次搬上大银幕,观众可以看到一个新的管弦乐和新的独奏家表演的作品,堪比亨德尔的“弥赛亚”和莫扎特的“安魂曲”。见证从未见过的“上帝的羔羊”。
- Shane, a hustler-turned-blackmailer, has an encounter with an extra-terrestrial. It imprints on him, reads his thoughts and begins assaulting the people he's angry with, leaving a trail of bodies and trauma in its wake.
- Quelque part au Kosovo, dans un village isolé, trois jeunes femmes voient étouffer leurs rêves et leurs ambitions. Dans leur quête d'indépendance, rien ne pourra les arrêter : le temps est venu de laisser rugir les lionnes.