搜索 Lione

  • 本片由4个恐怖和科幻故事组成。一个注射类固醇的健美运动员被臭虫咬了,臭虫变异,开始攻击毫无戒心的客人。两个最好的朋友的忠诚度受到考验,他们都渴望从玛丽亚·安托瓦内特的断头台上获得一种魔力,这种魔力使女人变得不可抗拒和美丽。一个隐居的二战水手60多年前把自己锁在汽车旅馆的房间里,至今还没有老,而当一个漂亮的小女孩进入他那与…
  • Fontanarrosa,loquesediceunídolo
  • 电影喜剧
  • This tautly constructed little movie should serve as a model for those modern film authors who cannot unfold the simplest story line in less than two hours.The movie opens with Mary Kirk being led from her cell to walk to the death chamber. She leaves a letter for Charles Finch, a psychologist and criminologist. In it …
  • 为意大利留下了联合国世界文化遗产建筑群“维琴察古城及威尼托乡间别墅”,著述了不朽的《建筑四书》,文艺复兴时期建筑大师安德里亚·帕拉第奥(Andrea Palladio)改写了世界建筑史。后世,远在大洋彼岸的白宫、美国国会大厦、华尔街证交所等地标性建筑都师承帕拉第奥所开创的建筑风格,2010年美国国会通过决议,尊奉其为“美国建筑之父”。贾…
  • 电影动作
    萨伊德在森林深处拥有一家锯木厂,为了给他 18 岁的女儿莎拉一个更好的未来,他决定卖掉这家锯木厂。但他却不知道,他的一名学徒被兄弟逼得走投无路,被迫在工厂里藏了大量的可卡因。当毒品所属的帮派出现时,萨伊德很快意识到这些狠角色极为难缠。尽管寡不敌众,但他对自己工厂的了解无人能及。为了保护莎拉,萨伊德被迫反击,把锯木厂变成了一…
  • Richard Grant is a lawyer who believes that murder under certain circumstances is justifiable. Richard's daughter, Barbara, takes her dad to a dinner party hosted by Richard's old friend, wealthy playboy, Gordon Rich. Gordon tells Richard that he and Barbara plan to marry. Richard threatens Gordon's life if he marries …
  • The film chronicles three desperate days in a then impoverished lower Manhattan neighborhood, New York's skid row: the Bowery. It is the story of Ray (Ray Salyer), a railroad worker, who drifts on to the Bowery to have a drunken spree after a long bout of laying tracks and then falls in with a band of drunks who help h…
  • the first blatantly anti-Nazi film produced by a major Hollywood studio prior to World War II.