搜索 Lione

  • 一开场,真佐罗屁股摔烂了。神父找了个人来假扮佐罗。要去破环一场婚礼什么的。举行婚礼时,因为新娘的名字爆长,神父念了老半天都没念完,为假佐罗的及时赶到争取了时间。最后人群欢呼胜利时把刚伤愈复出的真佐罗抛上天没接他,他屁股又烂了...假佐罗则带着心爱的女人驾车离开了。
  • Eric Gorman returns with his wife Evelyn from a trip to the Orient collecting zoo animals, having killed a member of his expedition who happened one day to kiss Mrs. Gorman. On board ship Evelyn meets Roger Hewitt, who falls in love with her. After delivering his animals to the zoo, Gorman plots a way to dispose of Hew…
  • 五人意外地汇集到遇到一个独特的突变/杀手。
  • En présence de Lionel SoukazLE SEXE DES ANGESDE LIONEL SOUKAZFRANCE/1976/42'/35MM
  • A steamship originating from San Francisco has just docked on the South Pacific island of Tutuila at the port of Pago Pago, where some US Marines are stationed. Among the passengers is Sadie Thompson, for who Pago Pago is only a transit stop in that she is on her way to Apia on the nearby island of Upolu, where she is …
  • Over 2 hours of epic footage including a full length concert and behind the scenes documentary.
  • Cassie, an artist, fears the bloodthirsty visions in her nightmares and waking hours are actually real-life murders. When an investigator meets up with her to confirm her suspicions, Cassie must use her ability to stop the mysterious murderer in their tracks as those closest to her fall prey to the killer…
  • 来自尼泊尔的LGBTI群体为“第三性别”获得承认而进行着抗争。马拉维的宗教领袖与他们所谴责的同性群体正面交锋。斐济岛一所学校的教师则鼓励学生去质疑同性恋是错误的想法。一直以来,全世界范围内的LGBTI群体都面临着不同形式的歧视和指责。《生来如此》记录了尼泊尔,马拉维及斐济岛的LGBTI群体为获得社会的认同、保护及接纳所进行的维权运动…