- Two brothers must come together after several years apart, in order to solve a mystery going on inside their childhood home.
- Big Brother 14, also known as Big Brother 2013 and Big Brother: Secrets and Lies, is the fourteenth series of the British reality television series Big Brother. It launched on 13 June 2013 in two parts, with the second part on 14 June, on Channel 5 and 5* as part of a new two-year contract with Endemol, which secured t…
- 一所位于东京都千代田区的传统高校“音乃木坂学院”,因为入读的学生人数骤减,所以正面临着废校的危机。其中有三名少女想到一条妙计——成为偶像,只要她们成为偶像,学校的名气便会增加,而入读学生的人数亦会上升。就这样,九位个性鲜明的少女决定一起努力成为偶像,希望可以凭借偶像的名气增加生源来挽救自己所喜爱的校园。
- "Soil Is Alive" è un progetto d’animazione di Beatrice Pucci che affronta il tema del suolo come risorsa limitata.