- 尼亚加拉古堡是美国著名的尼亚加拉战役的爆发地。尼亚加拉河(Niagara River)位于北美洲的五大湖区。尼加拉河自伊利湖流注安大略湖,为美国纽约州与加拿大安大略省的界河。船只从尼亚加拉河溯流而上可以进入伊利湖,进而向北拐进休伦湖,再转道密歇根湖和苏比利尔湖,因此这个要塞极其重要,是深入美国五湖及内陆的重要咽喉要道,这是其独特的…
- Clay Foster is face to face with a griping situation. His wife is dead and he cannot accept it. He is in denial. The story starts in the midst of a tangled murder mystery. Clay's wife was brutally murdered. How was she killed? Who killed her? The audience is forced to see the world as Clay does, through the eyes of a m…
- Julian Lloyd Webber takes an extraordinary musical journey through the BBC archives from the 1950s to the present to celebrate the world of the cello through some of its greatest interpreters. From dazzling performances by legendary masters such as Paul Tortelier, Jacqueline du Pre and Mstislav Rostropovich to some of …
- A visit to Horror Boobs Headquarters for a look at some rare Troma collectibles. A selection of Lloyd Kaufman's favorite Troma Penises.
- Nathan Gregory is a World War I veteran pilot who runs a small, debt-ridden traveling carnival along with loyal daughter Jean. Gregory is at odds with five of his former squadron comrades, who he thinks shot him down in 1918 and stole his plans for an incredible invention, a radio=piloted plane. An enigmatic criminal, …
- Julia is the ultimate evil stepmother, beautiful and devious. She dupes her noble born step daughter Nora into a journey that ends with her being kidnapped and sold to Julia's beautiful cousin Anthea. Nora finds her privileged life of nobility over as she wakes up to the nightmare of slave tears of Rome.