搜索 Loi

  • Lucy travels to an isolated house in the forest to wait for her sister. They have worked out a risky scheme for their future and all she needs to do is sit it out. However a sinister presence may have something different in mind.
  • Join your host, Festering Frank, as he returns from the grave to bring you five more terrifying tales of blood soaked horror. Featuring gory graveyards, mutated mothers, psycho Santas and killer couples. Experience all this insanity and more in the horror anthology that will scare the soul right out of you. Watch frame…
  • Love, motherhood and a musical career strike dissonant chords in this dark tale of a young Russian woman who tries to keep her balance among wealthy French expats in New York.
  • 《伪君子》《吝啬鬼》《恨世者》……莫里哀的作品构成了鲜活又辛辣的社会风俗画,也以高级喜剧的典范地位屹立于世界戏剧史上。以莫里哀及其作品为灵魂的法国老牌国家剧院法兰西喜剧院2017年复排《恨世者》,导演克莱芒·埃尔维尤-莱热以全新视角解读这部古典主义喜剧代表作,力图扎根于当代,激发经典之中的生命力。他重新设置了舞台,放弃原著…
  • 巴黎街头绿衣侦察兵正在查探敌情,不料城市上空风云变色,一架UFO惊现法国首都,这位天外来客不由分说化身拆迁大队,一路拆完凯旋门又直奔巴黎铁塔,市民见状皆作鸟兽乱散,昔日的繁华顷刻间化作瓦砾,地球军民殊死反抗却不能伤及对方分毫,或许人类文明难逃此劫……突然间,巨型橡皮糖从天而降,气氛变得更加怪异滑稽……
  • 新女团I.B.I从普通人蜕变为super star的孤军奋战旅行记
  • En sortant de l'école est une collection de 13 courts métrages d'animation de 3 minutes qui se propose d'associer poétiquement, dans la liberté artistique la plus exigeante, 13 poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire à l'univers graphique de jeun…