- 11岁的欧洲小男孩吉米随着母亲来到非洲,他的母亲忙于在此修建一个高尔夫球场。有一天吉米在当地的集市迷路了。然后他遇见了一头名为塞拉夫的会说话的神秘长颈鹿。塞拉夫给吉米讲述了在这片土地上敌对的土著部落之间的战争,并告诉他避免部落之争不是那么容易。吉米和可怜的非洲女孩查莉塔一起开始了神奇的非洲丛林冒险之旅。在旅途中,他们必须…
- 新兴的媒体——电视,为动画制作带来了新的生机。1950 年,美国全国电视总数达到一千五百万台,1951 年,彩色电视上市,1954 年,美国两千九百万家庭拥有了电视,这一切都意味着电视时代的来临。1953 年,华纳制作了《Gumby故事》(GUMBASIS),导演是阿特·克罗吉(Art Clokey),橡皮泥人 GUMBY 首次出场。到了 1957 年,这个电视动…
- A Neuro who can see the future warns Jane and the team of their impending death on the day they arrest him. Meanwhile, the team is disturbed by the psychic's purchases
- A man, Simon Connolly, has the ability to take someone's skill, experience and memories, merely by touching them. This Neuro also has the ability to transfer knowledge for a short time to other persons as well. Riley Jensen has suffered from an encounter from this Neuro, so not only has Riley lost his memories and abil…