- 月球探测器在月亮上捕捉到了白影,大雄认为这道白影是月亮上的兔子,惹来了大家的耻笑,于是哆啦A 梦为了帮助大雄,利用道具“异说俱乐部徽章”,在月球背面制造了一个兔子王国。一天,神秘少年露卡转学而来,与大雄和伙伴们一同前往月亮上的月兔王国展开了一场别开生面的浪漫想象力之旅。
- Dopo il delirante e marcissimo cortometraggio BOM DIA CARLOS, Gurcius Gewdner regala un lungometraggio al povero Carlos, riducendo la parte vomitevole e marcia, arricchendolo però il film con deliri, assurdità weird d’alta scuola, arthouse e effetti speciali stupefacenti. Dopo i primi minuti che presentano un mondo imm…
- What begins as a night filled with nostalgic happiness, transforms into something much more sinister, as the daylight begins to fade. And as the sunset casts a shadow on the neighborhood, it provides and ideal backdrop for he who roams it's alleys.
- When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.
- During the night, a 30-year-old woman wakes up and tries to remember her life from her teenage years until the present day. But her dreams mix up with her memories.