- A successful publishing editor in her mid-30s, Sophie is happy enough to be single. But deep down she'd love to have a family of her own. Then she meets Fritz Mertens: a dentist, fresh from his divorce and open to a new relationship - but with no strings attached please. He has enough of those already in the shape of h…
- 第73届金球奖颁奖典礼于北京时间2016年1月11日(周一)上午9点举行,《荒野猎人》获得剧情类最佳影片、导演、男主3项大奖成为最大赢家,《房间》女主布丽·拉尔森获得剧情类影后。《史蒂夫·乔布斯》爆冷获得最佳女配(凯特·温丝莱特)和编剧2项大奖。《头脑特工队》无悬念拿下最佳动画长片,《索尔之子》最佳外语片,昆汀的《八恶人》也获得唯…