搜索 Louise

  • 电影动作
    遇到了一位美丽动人的女郎,在这位女郎的帮助下,他终于找到了杀人凶手藏身的位置,他们逮捕了这位残忍的凶手并严惩了他。他很快爱上了这位名叫露丝的美女,当他们再次穿越崇山峻岭冒着风险返回之后,他们终于结合在一起,从此过上幸福的生活。一句话评论The Most Important Picture Ever Produced幕后制作《大追踪》是一部明显风格的西部片,通过一队…
  • 昂姬(路易斯·斯兹平德尔饰)和她的表妹桑德拉(斯特法妮·索科林斯克饰)不仅同住一个房间,而且都热爱拳击运动。昂姬脸上有棱有角,她充满了钢铁般的斗志。桑德拉幼时丧母,比较任性,身材也比较胖。两女都准备角逐法国拳击锦标赛的一个头衔,都在维特里市(在马恩河谷省)昂姬的父亲约瑟夫(里夏尔·安科尼纳饰)开设的一个小俱乐部里接受严…
  • The trial, under The Obscene Publications Act, of the publishers of D.H. Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'in 1960 was a sensation that consumed the nation. The movie follows two fictional jurors, Helena and Keith, who become passionate lovers during the course of the trial and whose affair mirrors the themes of the …
  • 卡佳和她寡居的父亲单独生活,他们两人有着深厚的感情。有一天卡佳的父亲再婚,她的田园诗般的生活永远破灭了。
  • The story of a young boy (Izzy) and his family, living in New York. His father (Paul) has recently had a stroke, completely debilitating him mentally and physically. Izzy tries to escape the reality of it all by breaking into nearby homes. His mother (Sue) struggles to keep the family together, battling Izzy's outburst…
  • 本片是由加拿大得獎電影工作者李斯莉.安.巴頓,同時也是宗薩欽哲仁波切的弟子所執導。這部辛苦拍攝而來,並具啟發性的35厘米記錄片,是由仁波切的三位弟子,陸克.迪兒克、路易.若德,和巴頓本身的角度來介紹仁波切。巴頓得以史無前例的接近這位謎般的上師,但仁波切卻也施展他一貫戲謔的惡作劇。他一而再、再而三地巧妙閃躲她的鏡頭,使得巴…
  • After years of meticulous planning, a terrorist operation is reaching its final stages. The authorities have received no intelligence; they are in a race against time but don't yet know it. As the operation unfolds, we see the working lives of men and women directly affected by terrorism. Among them: a firemen worried …
  • 电影喜剧
  • 所谓的无船员的船携带咖啡驶入纽约,但是当警察和一些科学家在船上发现了船员可怕的尸体和大量的盒子装满绿色虫蛋。爆炸的时候蛋温度升高和任何人谁接触的物质都会爆炸。现在政府介入和幸存的军官,一名上校和一名宇航员发现这些蛋可能与灾难性的火星任务有关。