搜索 Loup

  • "In the delightful Snakes and Ladders, ‘a didactic fiction about cartography’ made for French television to promote a map exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris – a Borgesian metaphysical fantasy whose hero progressively discovers…
  • "Eva runs wild" is successful Czech comedy from the end of thirties based on a novel by Fan Vavrincova. It's one of the best movies by Martin Fric (like Kristián or Tri vejce do skla). It is a nice story about one young lady Eva who wants to steal the instructions for planting the strange roses (invented by h…
  • Robert, peintre et cinéaste, annonce à sa compagne Claire le suicide de son meilleur ami, Alexandre. La jeune femme se souvient de leur dernière journée passée tous les trois ensemble et de la fascination d'Alexandre pour le décor d'une …
  • 三名在逃歹徒闯入罗杰和伊蕾娜夫妇经营的少年犯罪康复中心。对于如何对付这三个想在康复中心 "以暴制暴 "的坏蛋,康复中心的居民们意见不一。
  • Director:Richard McGuireWriters:Jean-Luc Fromental (writer)Grégoire Solotareff (writer)Release Date:26 March 2003 (France) moreGenre:Animation / Short / Comedy
  • Maxime是个平庸的漫画家,Isabelle是个有着固定工资的白领。Isabelle渴望有个孩子,Maxime认为自己没有经济能力养活整个家庭。两个人出现了分歧,分分合合后还是成婚了,并还是有了个孩子。(因为是法语字幕,另外那一对情人到底怎么一回事我真不懂啊(/゚Д゚)/ )
  • 深夜,男子在街头遭遇持刀歹徒,慌忙逃命,但歹徒紧追不放,男子一路呼喊求救,无人向他伸出援手。逃到一幢高楼的高层后,男子获得暂时的安全,可是歹徒很快将他找到。无奈之下,男子再次向他人求救,得到一支长枪。男子与歹徒展开搏斗,几个回合下来,渐渐不敌,他被抛掷到底楼,庆幸的是,他没被摔死。然而,怪不得检查是否摔伤便往外奔的他终…