- 天才数学家雷纳托·卡乔波利是一个性情古怪的人,他的哥哥法官卢伊季和嫂子艾米丽亚试图让他过上正常的生活,不再酗酒和放纵。雷纳托是一个饱受痛苦的人,孤独、不幸。他什么也不相信,对工作没兴趣,对政治失望,与妻子的婚姻失败。他与妻子安娜分居多年,安娜与他见面时承认自己怀上了别人的孩子,但她打算去做人流。她请求雷纳托原谅自己,重…
- The story is about a youth named Massimo Monaldi, who, living in Rome, is a part-time college student who has some involvement in the protests that occur at his university. Massimo is also involved with drugs and he sometimes steals to make a living and support his habit (the theft of a pill box is very important to th…