- "A Cambodian Spring" is an intimate and unique portrait of three people caught up in the chaotic and often violent development that is shaping modern-day Cambodia. Shot over six years, the film charts the growing wave of land-rights protests that led to the 'Cambodian spring' and the tragic events that follow…
- 剧本讲述了艾琳的故事,她在 8 岁时是父亲死于肇事逃逸司机之手的唯一目击者。艾琳因不记得刺客的脸而感到内疚,她变成了一个叛逆、内向的青少年,她唯一的痴迷就是为父亲伸张正义。她辍学,在冰冷而迷人的米歇尔拥有的工厂找到工作,米歇尔正是当时开车的人。年轻女子似乎不认识他,但他心中对她的身份毫不怀疑。米歇尔本能地保护着这个女孩,…