- 战场上最致命的武器不是子弹或枪炮,而是孤身一人的狙击手。本节目由在越南、伊拉克和阿富汗执行狙击任务的狙击手主持,介绍了世界上最高超的狙击手,让观众了解军事史上最伟大的猎杀背后的科学和心理。加拿大狙击手Robert Furlong首次在美国电视上讲述了自己在阿富汗的历史性猎杀——从1.5里外击中了塔利班分子。本特别节目生动地详述了狙击手…
- The annual LA Kennel Club Dog Show gets treated to an unexpected surprise when a backstage murder incriminates the winning canines' handler.
- This legendary documentary on Nazi-era Germany was previously banned for 36 years in Germany. Distributors claimed it was anti-German due to its more humanistic portrayel of Hitler, including excerpts of home movies of Hitler playing with children.Meanwhile, the film's premiere at Cannes had to be stopped due to fist f…