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  • 1953年的初夏,前线展开激烈的攻防战。两个孩子流落在休战线的非武装地带,靠吃美军扔掉的食物和野生的土豆维生,流离失所。两个孩子遭遇种种苦难,并经历冒着随时可能踩到地雷的危险。两个孩子遇到了北上的间谍,男孩后丧生,女孩幸存,南下寻找母亲。·本片是韩国战争结束12年后首部在非武装地带外景拍摄完成的半纪录电影。·影片在美八军军事…
  • City dweller Skip leaves his urban life behind indefinitely to seek fresh air for his daughter's health. His wife begrudgingly sacrifices domestic comforts, while their darling boy Toby, their daughter Jenny, and their dog Crust have the time of their lives roaming in the wild. Meeting wildlife however has its pros and…
  • Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the dista…
  • 影片叙述了俄国伟大的作曲家格林卡自1828年起,在沙皇尼古拉一世黑暗的统治下的创作活动。由于格林卡不断的战斗并与人民密切联系,因而创作出富有民族形式的音乐,给俄国音乐开辟了一条宽阔胜利的道路。为俄国民族音乐奠下巩固的基础。被人民尊敬的称为俄国音乐之父。影片还表现了格林卡与俄国当代伟大的艺术家诗人普希金,作家果戈里之间的亲密…
  • Eddie Queens is a talented singer/songwriter who struggles to come to terms with his future career as well as his sexuality. He lives in Brighton and with the help of local singer Harvey, he gains the confidence to peruse his career in music
  • 片中一位名叫莫娜的女人为了夺回自己女儿的监护权,向社工讲述了自己的故事,但实际上这些故事是女主人公为了减轻生活的痛苦而营造的幻想。2006年导演作品《白手掌》(Fehér tenyér)被匈牙利选送角逐奥斯卡最佳外语片,没有获得提名,《熟练的行家》又被匈牙利选送为2011年第83届奥斯卡最佳外语片竞争作品。
  • 伟大的卫国战争进入了1944年,在苏联红军打开进入巴尔干地区门户前,所进行的一个辉煌的行动----巴格拉季昂战役
  • Napoleon's tumultuous relations with Russia including his disastrous 1812 invasion serve as the backdrop for the tangled personal lives of two aristocratic families.