搜索 Lynda

  • n the 20th century, no artistic medium in North America with so much potential for creative expression has had a more turbulent history plagued with less respect than comic books. Through animated montages, readings and interviews, this film guides us through the history of the medium from the late 1930s and 1940s with…
  • 近未来的某天,一场规模巨大的宇宙辐射风暴席卷地球。受辐射影响,地下场面的死尸纷纷复活,变成嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。血雨腥风,地球顿成人间炼狱。经过许多年的抗争,人类渐渐占据主动,掌握摧毁、控制僵尸的办法。于是一家专营出售和租赁业务的僵尸公司应运而生。   威拉德镇,罗宾森一家终于成为最后一个拥有僵尸仆人的家庭。这个名叫Fid…
  • 公元2035年,是人和机器人和谐相处的社会,智能机器人作为最好的生产工具和人类伙伴,逐渐深入人类生活的各个领域,而由于机器人“三大法则”的限制,人类对机器人充满信任,很多机器人甚至已经成为家庭成员。   总部位于芝加哥的USR公司开发出了更先进的NS-5型超能机器人,然而就在新产品上市前夕,机器人的创造者阿尔弗莱德•朗宁博士却在公…
  • A young woman is gang raped and murdered in a California college town, sparking her brother Kevin to take up arms by night with a gang of like-minded vigilantes from his fraternity, brutally punishing any miscreants they catch in a criminal act. In the meantime, Kevin debates the issue of violent crime in the U.S. with…
  • 汉娜(凯特琳·卡特利吉 Katrin Cartlidge 饰)和安妮(Lynda Steadman 饰)是大学时代的同居室友,彼时安妮因为自己的长相而充满了自卑,正是开朗奔放的汉娜的出现让安妮重拾了自信找回了快乐,两人之间也因此构筑起了坚实的友谊。一晃眼多年过去,自从毕业之后就再也没有联系过的安妮和汉娜重逢了,此时的她们都已经成为了成熟稳重的职业女性…
  • A young woman faces the same strange occurrences that have plagued her prominent small-town family for generations.
  • A teen movie star attempts to overcome her addition to alcohol and salvage what's left of her career after passing out on the red carpet at her big Hollywood premiere and being sent to recover with her upbeat aunt in Indiana. Morgan Carter (Jo Jo) is only seventeen years old, but she's already on top of the world. But …