- Drive Well, Sleep Carefully joins Death Cab for Cutie on tour in the spring of 2004. Filmmaker Justin Mitchell captured dozens of shows across the country and interviewed the band at length in their hometown of Seattle, WA. Shot entirely on 16mm film, the live footage is mixed with candid conversations about the creati…
- 1975年百餘名妓女霸佔了里昂的一座大教堂。她們在教堂外設置一個螢幕,專門播放教堂內女性示威者的故事讓行人觀看。她們充滿家暴陰影的童年、挫敗的人際關係、為人妻母,身心俱疲,付出永無止盡的勞力只為謀求家庭溫飽。整部片交錯剪接了大教堂和妓女兩種畫面,展現出第三人的觀點,批判了傳統社會價值對於「她是性感女神」和「她是妓女」的分別…