搜索 Léonor

  • In the future, two television networks compete for ratings by producing violent game shows. One network produces a modern day version of the Roman gladiators, only on motorcycles instead of chariots, and uses convicted murderers as the participants, The network decides it needs a champion for this sport, so they frame …
  • In 1897 thirteen prostitutes from Marseille arrive in Hania, Crete. The Great Powers (including Britain, France, and Russia) have placed troops on the island and the Cretan inhabitants have now launched a struggle for uniting Crete to the liberated (from Turkish occupation) part of Greece. Madam Rosa, a prostitute well…
  • 西班牙導演侯迪·永帕特(Jordi Llompart)所執導的前進非洲的奇幻之旅 (Viaje mágico a África /Magic Journey to Africa),預定於2010年一月六日首映,將成為歐洲第一部非寫實的3D立體影像電影。這部片耗資一千萬 歐元的電影分別在那米比亞(8wk)、南非(2wk)與巴塞隆那(3wk)拍攝,是一個「有骨有肉」(西班牙人的講法)故事,充滿溫馨與動…
  • Under the elusive name 'Made In Taiwan', experimental film maker Jack invents an exciting type of film, which induces a high in the viewer and becomes an underground phenomenon throughout Taipei. With the help of Amy Lin, organised screenings pop up around the city and crowds of eager MIT fans flood in to see each of h…
  • IN YOUR HANDS - Maša Šarović & Sharon Engelhart (10')After begging her to come back, Azra gets her daughter Lejla back at the airport. In the car, she tells her a surprising news and takes her to an unknown place where mother and daughter…
  • 璜被任職的實驗室解僱,生活陷入困境,決定從老家蒙德維的亞搬去巴塞隆納。他在那裡認識了當服務生的馬利安諾和茱莉亞。馬利安諾來自阿根廷,但一心嚮往去好萊塢發展,璜則對年輕俏麗的茱莉亞動心,他的婚姻岌岌可危。在兩人幫助下,璜總算在新的城市落腳,也有機會把家人接來同住,隨著璜對巴塞隆納越來越熟悉,他也會更確定自己要的是什麼。
  • Set in Mexico City, Mentiras Piadosas is the doomed love story of Clara and Israel. She is a health inspector and he is an herb merchant, who is obsessed with the construction of an enormous model of the ancient city of Tenochtitlan. They both decide to leave their respective partners to live together, however, jealous…
  • 安东尼和安娜在经过20年不愉快地婚姻之后,纷纷决定离开对方,各自寻找生命中的另一个春天。安东尼找到了年轻貌美的新情人,安娜也投入了安东尼好友的怀抱,但是二十多年来的共同生活的情感和三个可爱孩子仍旧使得他们的生命密不可分,他俩真的能够这么轻易的忘记对方吗?
  • Al'aubedel'espoir
  • 电影
    诺捷特(Christian Saldert 饰)68岁那一年,父亲去世了,诺捷特获得了父亲拥有的位于斯德哥尔摩市中心的一幢公寓楼的产权,这大概是诺捷特一生中发生过的最好的事了。诺捷特想要将这幢大楼卖掉,得到的钱可以让她生下的日子里衣食无忧,但很快问题就出现了,住在公寓7楼的一位租客拒绝搬走,而当诺捷特要求查看当初的租房合同时却发现,合同是…