搜索 Léopold

  • Princess Turandot asks her court dignitaries three riddles, and those who do not answer correctly lose their heads. When young Calaf sees the Prince of Samarkand ride by on the cart of those condemned to death, he decides to put an end to the whims of Turandot, who is the despair of her father, the Emperor of China. Tu…
  • Hans, Girgl, Fritz and Max return to Munich after the end of Great War. What awaits them is chock. Proletariat under the guidance of Soviet agents try to overthrow the goverment. Each of the war friends have his own reasons and joins either comunists or the volunteer corps to protect the fatherland. They all meet once …
  • 分手一年,約翰仍深愛嘉貝麗。他們都忘不了熾烈的愛如何灼傷對方,讓他們決定在熱戀時分手,兩人因此備受煎熬。這次他們再度結合,決定回溯相愛的記憶,從中找出分開的原因。然而兩人仍愛得狂烈,分分合合不斷,在巴黎街道激情追逐。他們的故事,或許還沒結束。
  • 受樂迷尊稱為「非洲媽媽」的南非傳奇女伶米瑞安馬卡貝,將畢生貢獻給音樂與人權運動,一九五九年因參與雷昂羅可辛的反種族隔離政策紀錄片《Come Back, Africa》被撤銷南非護照,開始流亡海外,隨後半世紀嚐盡人生百態:獲葛萊美獎、受邀為甘迺迪獻唱、與激進民權領袖卡邁克爾飽受爭議的婚姻、痛失愛女到重返祖國。儘管一生曲折坎坷,但她嘹喨的…
  • The names have been changed to protect the guilty in this crime thriller that is based on the exploits of Argentine mafiosi in the '20s and '30s. Francesco Donato (Jose Slavin) is the current godfather of the Argentine mafia, but his assistant Luciano (Alfredo Alcon) wants his job. He believes he knows ways to expand t…
  • The story of rebel gaucho Martin Fierro, his people, and their life in the Argentine Pampas. based on José Hernández's epic poem
  • Enrique, a gray office worker who lives a marriage already without passion begins to rethink his life when he receives an anonymous who says that his wife deceives him