搜索 Mado

  • Violeta (Alessandra Negrini) is a 40 year old attractive dentist. Her husband Djalma (Otto Jr.) has been giving thought to his life and marriage while going for a swim and has come to the conclusion that he's going to leave his wife, kids and the city. Violeta finds out about this in a phone message just hours after ma…
  • 1941年服役于皇家海军少校杰福兹,被分配到马耳他瓦莱塔,领命指挥鱼雷快艇舰队。摧毁在西西里岛奥古斯塔,使英国护航舰队付出沉重的代价的德国弗里茨x滑翔炸弹潜艇基地,为确保完成此项绝密任务 杰福兹首先决定联络在西西里地下抵抗组织,对目标进行前期的侦察,但在侦查过程中意外遭遇德军,撤退中抵抗成员以牺牲生命为代价掩护杰福兹顺利完成…
  • 01. Intro-The Sweet Machine02. Candy Shop Medley03. Beat Goes On Medley feat. Kanye West04. Human Nature05. Vogue 200806. Die Another Day 200807. Into The Groove 200808. Heartbeat09. Borderline10. She's Not Me11. Music 200812. Rain / Here Comes The Rain Again13. Devil Wouldn't Recognize You14. Spanish Lesson15. Miles A…
  • 这部长达18分钟的短片播放着一系列的小插曲,看起来像是在认真地折磨着人们的生活,他们残酷地将无辜的人切成薄片,切成薄片并折磨酷刑,每个小插图似乎都与上一部毫无联系。
  • 电影青春
  • 罗恰拍摄好友巴西著名作家阿马多的纪录短片。This film was commissioned by Glauber Rocha to be shown on television as a special programme on the great Brazilian writer Jorge Amado. It mainly consists in an extremely affectionate conversation about all s…
  • 纪录片关于越南女性被迫卖淫的真相,许多女孩被人贩子卖到欧洲各地从事色情交易。Collecting butterflies in the Mekong Delta has two utterly different meanings. Cambodia is "rich" in both rare butterflies and young girls, who are "hunted" by whi…
  • The island of miracleDirector: H.Seyidbayli.Screenwriter: H.Seyidbayli.Director of photography: A.Narimanbayov.Art director: E.Rzaguliyev.Composer: T.Guliyev.Cast of characters: H.Mammadov, O.Khabalov, Z.Nedbay, F.Salayev, L.Pirogov, T.Gafarova, I.Mukhtarov, A.Stepanov, Y.Yulduz, Y.Turyleva.Synopsis: The film's dedicat…