- A big, colorful tapestry about rumors that are in all of the previous UFO movies. A loose story line that weaves in and out of the UFO phenomenon.1986, VHS, color/so, 46m
- In the summer of their lives, three women will discover what it means to be free.Kaleldo is a story told in three segments, each part seen from the eyes of three daughters in the span of seven summers in Guagua, Pampanga. Mang Rudy (Johnny Delgado) is a widowed wood carver who wields an iron hand over his children.His …
- 影片拍摄于1967年,是至今为止关于伟大的音乐家巴赫最优秀的影片,片名来源于英国作家同名小说,片中引用的对话、信件都取自巴赫生前的真实文件档案。影片几乎汇集了当时音乐演奏界的精英,如哈侬考特、奥古斯特·温钦格等,具有非常高的史料价值。与我们平日看到肖像画上胖而结实的巴赫完全不同,由著名钢琴演奏家和指挥家古斯塔夫·莱昂哈扮演…