搜索 Magnús

  • 简·弗洛曼当上了银行的看门人,并爱上了银行女职员玛格丽塔。玛格丽塔的父亲让泽将军有收集各式武器的癖好,她的未婚夫罗尔夫是拥有许多远洋轮船的船主。但为人自私冷漠。简努力接近玛格丽塔,井和她起去航海。从电话中,简巧妙地掌握了银行董事瑞德对股票交易的意向,把母亲遗留给他的财产都买股票。这种股票后来急剧上涨。他还从瑞德手中买下…
  • Orlando paladino, Hob. XXVIII:11Composer: Haydn, Franz JosephLibretto/Text Author: Porta, NunziatoLibretto Source: Badini, Carlo FrancescoConductor: Jacobs, ReneOrchestra: Freiburg Baroque OrchestraAlcina: Pendatchanska, AlexandrinaAngelica: Petersen, MarlisCaronte: Kataja, ArttuEurilla: Im, SunhaeLicone: Kataja, Arttu…
  • http://www.magnusfilm.com/Magnus, played by Estonian pop star Kristjian Kasearu, lives in angst. His parents have never been there for him. His mother runs a modeling agency and his father is a pornographer. Realizing that Magnus is going downhill, his father makes a last ditch effort to help, but Magnus must find his …
  • Moa is in her early 20s, works at a factory and lives by herself in a cottage in the forest. She is a vegan and follows her friends and demonstrations, mostly to fit in. But at home, by herself, she listens to pop music and use make-up.
  • This is the story behind the fiendishly addictive game, a tale of high stakes, intimidation and legal feuds set against the backdrop of Cold War tensions between East and West.
  • 电影科幻
  • 这是瑞典第一部逐格摄影的动画片。Desmond和他的朋友们经常被神出鬼没的“traskpatrasket”折磨,难道它是一只怪物吗?Desmond等人也很难说得清,但那会是什么呢?奇怪的事在Raspberry树林里陆续有来……
  • 因为母亲得到机会去经营一个农场,一直生活在城市里的12岁的男孩派特不得不和父母一起搬到乡下居住,虽然他不想当“农民”,但别无选择,临行前,他答应和好友通过手机短信保持联系。在村子入口,一只公牛拦住了去路,一个黑发女孩帮一家人解了围。一日,派特跑到只有手机信号覆盖的山顶上给好友发图片短信,返回的途中看到一个男人在虐待他的狗…