- 2002年,在阿巴斯.基阿魯斯米達作品《十段生命的律動》(Ten)之中演而優則導的Mania Akban,繼上回《20 FINGERS》(第三屆)透視女性在伊斯蘭社會的面面觀,今次再以車內的時間對話,探討女性問題。4年之後,Akbari經阿巴斯的鼓勵下,執起導筒拍攝此片之際,卻傳來得了乳癌的噩耗。沒有呼天搶地的對話,也不見悲天憫人的劇情,Akbari把罹癌…
- To prove he's a true Indian Brave, Big Heel-Watha decides to catch a squirrel - but wouldn't you know it; Screwy Squirrel is the first one he sees...
- 在WC球场,蓝帽队和红袜队两支球队即将举行一场惊险刺激的棒球比赛。比赛开始,作为攻方的蓝帽队投手率先投出软绵绵的球,结果被对方击中。接下来他用脚上的瞄准镜攻击,谁曾想打到对方头上成为死球,击球手干脆被送到医院。随后投球手又以三个快速投球干掉了第二名击球手。接下来,红袜队第三位击球手登场,场面进入胶着状态,聒噪的蓝帽队接球…
- Comedian Bill Maher's Tony Award-nominated Broadway standup show, Bill Maher: Victory Begins at Home, will return to New York, July 17-19, 2003. The final performance at the Hudson Theatre (which is not technically a Broadway house though it's in the midtown theatre district) will be filmed live for HBO. In the show, M…